Micro Systems publishes its first CSR Report (2022)

2022 marked the first year that Micro Systems, a well-established micro molding designer and manufacturer, published its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Report. The report offers a great opportunity for Micro Systems to share its significant, in-depth details on the company’s initiatives and performance aimed at creating and promoting a sustainable future.

engineering ceo
As businesses accounted for 18% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions (2020), we understand our crucial role as a business to look after our environmental impact and business operation … To support the common global sustainability goals, we must all act ethically in this fast changing environment. … We aim to develop our people and company culture here at Micro Systems, where people are proud of their work and the positive impacts that our work is making on society. We continue to cultivate an inclusive and diverse workplace and create job opportunities for individuals who are currently underrepresented in the manufacturing sector. Looking ahead, in this volatile and uncertain world after the COVID-19, we are focusing on our new sustainability goals to combat climate change, utilise our products, designs and resources to build better, more resilient communities and lead Micro Systems as a sustainable business”, said Gary Clark, Managing Director at Micro Systems. 

The report focuses on our non-stop efforts in creating a sustainable future for the People, the Planet and Engineering. Highlights from the CSR report include:

engineering csr report

  • £500k+ investment in R&D to improve productivity, quality and technology
  • Continuous improvement in products’ lifetime


  •  67% drop in recorded incidents
  • Continued work flexibility and sick pay after Covid-19 crisis
  • New sport facility on site and free gym access for all employees
  • £250 Cost of Living Allowance for employees in the UK to cope with the rising cost of living
  • 137% increase in spending on training and development


  • 4.35% decrease in electricity consumption
  • 52% decrease in the rate of increase of the combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 kgCO2e
  • 30% decrease in fuel purchased for company vehicles
  • 56% of company vehicles are electric/hybrid
  • 14.4% decrease in office paper consumption
  • An introduction of The Handbook: Greening the workplace to guide employees on pursuing a more sustainable lifestyle both at work and at home
  • Replacement of old infrastructure with more energy-efficient ones

We would also like to say thanks to the continued contribution and support from our suppliers, workers and partners in the last 20 years to help us perform sustainably and excellently. 

To learn more about our corporate social responsibility efforts in 2022, with detailed information regarding our performance, please view our 2022 CSR Report here

*The report follow GRI standards

microsystems medical mold

Micro Systems specializes in the design, manufacture and validation of ultra precision micro molds for the medical, pharmaceutical and optical markets, at the same time, the development and use of micro and nano technologies in the design and manufacture of injection molded components. We have a dedicated micro molding facility, and have ISO13485 and ISO9001 certifications. For more information, please Contact us or visit our website