Soft mist inhaler and its benefits

What is a soft mist inhaler?

Soft mist inhaler (SMI) is a more recently developed inhaler type. It produces an inhaled cloud of medication without the need for a propellant. More of the medication enters the patients’ lungs through the mist since it has more particles than MDIs and DPIs and because the spray exits the inhaler more slowly, while also there is less need for inspiratory effort and patient coordination from the patients. 

How do soft mist inhalers work?

With the use of soft mist inhalers, there could be a closed system by integrating the medicine product’s container system, hence offering a significant deal of promise for treating conditions requiring short-term care, as well as for treating a wide range of respiratory disorders. 

Soft mist inhalers employ liquid formulations, as opposed to dry powder inhalers, which facilitates the use of APIs that are already offered in liquid form. Utilising mechanical energy, they force the liquid medication via a silicon chip that has tiny nozzles. The medicine formulation is subsequently formed into liquid droplets by these nozzles, which fragment into droplets the patient may breathe in. 

When the patient uses the device, these droplets combine with the inhalation air stream to generate a slow-moving aerosol cloud that deposits a larger concentration of the medication in the patient’s lungs and a lesser amount in the back of the throat. 

Benefits of soft mist inhalers

The use of soft mist inhalers has several advantages. Patients can use a lower dosage of the medication since it enters their lungs more than it would with a metered-dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler. Using soft mist inhalers also eliminates the need for a spacer. Soft mist inhalers are also small, portable and easy for patients to use for self-administration. Patients may easily initiate medicine release with the push of a button in soft mist inhalers, which are powered by mechanical energy in the form of compressed springs that produce aerosols. Pressing the button releases a pre-measured volume of the medication formulation into the patient’s system through the cartridge, guaranteeing precise dosage with each administration. 

Soft mist inhalers can also help make therapy administration simpler for patients—such as children and the elderly—who could have trouble with inhalation approaches, which will improve lung deposition.

For drug developers, soft mist inhalers also bring a number of benefits. It is suitable for the majority of biologic formulations, while lengthening the shelf life of complicated biologics and increasing the stability of medication formulations. They also provide mild aerosolisation for sensitive medication items, with their specific nozzles that minimise the chance of deterioration and are kind to delicate formulations.

The market for soft mist inhalers

According to a recent report, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.7% between 2020 and 2026, the global soft mist inhaler market is projected to reach a size of USD 10.2 billion by that time. The market is driven by the rising incidence of respiratory illnesses, the ageing population, and increased public awareness of health issues. The challenges that the sector faces include high cost of R&D and production, as well as limited access to advanced technology. 

microfluidic machine

photo: Micro injection molding machines in cleanroom environment at Micro Systems

Micro Systems has the capabilities to support the design, development and manufacture of components for soft mist inhalers, using our extensive knowledge, experience and the latest technology, including MicroPower micro injection molding machine.

Contact us today to discuss your soft mist inhaler project!